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How Much Would You Like to Donate Today?

You are making donation for

  • GIVE SOME ADVICE: Provides 2 hours of expert small business consulting

  • A GOOD START: Provides 4 scholarships for Start Smart, an introductory class that help clients assess the feasibility of their business ideas

  • ACCESS TO CAPITAL: Provides Technical Assistance for 2 entrepreneurs to secure business capital

  • SEND ONE TO CLASS: Provides a scholarship for 1 entrepreneur to attend our intensive 14-week “mini MBA” Business Planning Class

  • GET DOWN TO BUSINESS: Funds an entire workshop for 20 to get their businesses ready for the market

  • INCUBATE AN ENTREPRENEUR: Provides 6 months of rent for an emerging business

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Giving Option

Your donation is securely processed by our nonprofit partner, Network for Good, with a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs. Please consider chipping in an additional 3% so 100% of your donation amount goes to us.