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YES! I will restore a woman's dignity. My gift amount (representative costs) is:

You are making donation for

  • Midwife Training in Dr. Itengre's NEW Fistula Clinic for 1 Midwife!

  • Empowerment Training, Meals. Lodging for 1 Woman!

  • for SURGERY, transport, and 2 Weeks' Hospital Stay for 1 Woman!

  • for Empowerment Training, Meals, Lodging for 7 Women!

  • for SURGERY, transport and 2 Weeks' Hospital Stay for 4 Women!

Donation Frequency
Recurring donations are the best way to give steady support

Payment Information

Please click below to choose your payment method. Credit/Debit

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If you have a special purpose for your donation, please let us know.




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