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You are making donation for

  • INDEPENDENCE - Speaker at start of event, full page color ad in program, 2 tables for 20 guests

  • PERSEVERANCE- Full page color ad in program & 1 table for 10 guests

  • COURAGE - Half page color ad in program & table for 10 guests

  • HUMOR- Quarter page color ad in program, & 1 table for 10 guests

  • LOVE OF LEARNING - Table for 10 guests

Donation Frequency

Payment Information

Please click below to choose your payment method. Credit/Debit

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Enter a new password, then reenter to confirm:

Giving Option

Your donation is securely processed by our nonprofit partner, Network for Good, with a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs. Please consider chipping in an additional 3% so 100% of your donation amount goes to us.