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How Much Would You Like to Donate Today?

You are making donation for

  • Running shoes for a girl in Afghanistan (Free to Run)

  • School uniform for a girl in Zimbabwe (CAMFED)

  • Full Breast Examination in Madagascar (4 A Woman)

  • Distribute meals after disasters (World Central Kitchen)

  • Microgrant to a family business (Street Child)

  • Girls life skills training in Egypt (Heya Masr)

  • 10 years of healthy life to women (PSI)

Donation Frequency

Terms of agreement

I understand that my gift to CAF America becomes the property of CAF America and that CAF America has ultimate control, authority and discretion with regard to its assets. All grants made by CAF America are in its sole and independent discretion.:

I confirm that I will receive no tangible benefit or privilege from either CAF America or any suggested nonprofit in return for my donation.:

I understand that my gift to CAF America becomes the property of CAF America and that CAF America has ultimate control, authority and discretion with regard to its assets. All grants made by CAF America are in its sole and independent discretion.
I confirm that I will receive no tangible benefit or privilege from either CAF America or any suggested nonprofit in return for my donation.

Payment Information

Please click below to choose your payment method. Credit/Debit

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If you have a special purpose for your donation, please let us know.




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Giving Option

Your donation is securely processed by our nonprofit partner, Network for Good, with a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs. Please consider chipping in an additional 3% so 100% of your donation amount goes to us.