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How Much Would You Like to Donate Today?

You are making donation for

  • will enable POTS’ Food Pantry to provide a family of five with groceries for making 9 meals.

  • will cover the costs of cleaning, sanitizing, and maintenance materials and equipment for one daily scrub-down of the POTS facility.

  • will allow POTS to provide ongoing and personalized case management services to a family navigating this crisis.

  • will enable POTS to purchase supplies like sanitary gloves, to-go bags, plates and plastic utensils for the safe operation of our hot lunch and pantry programs for a week.

  • will enable POTS to provide emergency relief to a household facing a sudden financial crisis by helping them meet costs such as prescription fulfillment, medical bills, utilities, or rental arrears.

Donation Frequency
Recurring donations are the best way to give steady support

Payment Information

Please click below to choose your payment method. Credit/Debit

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If you have a special purpose for your donation, please let us know.




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Giving Option

Your donation is securely processed by our nonprofit partner, Network for Good, with a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs. Please consider chipping in an additional 3% so 100% of your donation amount goes to us.

Matching Gift Option

My employer may match this gift. Please contact me for more information.:

My employer may match this gift. Please contact me for more information.