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Please select the option you would like below. (All booth fees include a 10x10 exhibiting space, a skirted 8 foot table, two chairs (additional chairs available upon request), refreshments and lunch for two exhibitors.)

You are making donation for

  • For Profit - Booth Fee

  • Nonprofit - Gov/Edu Institution - Booth Fee

  • STEM Ecosystem Non-Profit Partner- Booth Fee

Donation Frequency

Additional Needs

Please enter the name of your organization :

Will you need an additional 10x10 Space? (By adding a 10x10 space you will receive an additional 8 foot table with two chairs.) ($100.00):

Will you need electricity for your activity. ($100.00):

Will you need an additional 8’ skirted table and two chairs? ($50.00):

Will you need food/refreshments for additional exhibitor staff members? (two exhibitors are included in the base price) ($50.00 per person):

How many additional 8’ skirted tables and sets of chairs will you need? ($50.00 per table):

How many additional exhibitor staff members will you need food/refreshments for? ($50.00 per person):

Please enter the name of your organization
Will you need electricity for your activity. ($100.00)
Will you need food/refreshments for additional exhibitor staff members? (two exhibitors are included in the base price) ($50.00 per person)
How many additional exhibitor staff members will you need food/refreshments for? ($50.00 per person)
Will you need an additional 10x10 Space? (By adding a 10x10 space you will receive an additional 8 foot table with two chairs.) ($100.00)
Will you need an additional 8’ skirted table and two chairs? ($50.00)
How many additional 8’ skirted tables and sets of chairs will you need? ($50.00 per table)

Payment Information

Please click below to choose your payment method. Credit/Debit

Reset Your Password:

Enter a new password, then reenter to confirm:

Giving Option

Your donation is securely processed by our nonprofit partner, Network for Good, with a 3% transaction fee to cover credit card fees, bank fees, and other processing costs. Please consider chipping in an additional 3% so 100% of your donation amount goes to us.