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Single Subscription $10 / year (You will be mailed one copy of the most recent issue). This level supports two readers--one outside and one inside.
"Marilyn Buck" Subscription $15 / year (You will be mailed one copy of the most recent issue, 3 times per year). This level supports three readers--one outside and two inside.
"Free Them All" Subscription $45 / year (You will be mailed one copy of the most recent issue, 3 times per year). This level supports 9 readers -- one outside and 8 inside)
BULK Subscription: “For the Archives” (You will be mailed 10 copies of each issue, 3 times per year). This level supports about 7 prisoners' free subscriptions and helps distribute the paper to readers in your network.
BULK Subscription: "Half Bundle" (You will be mailed 25 copies of each issue, 3 times per year). This level supports about 14 prisoners' free subscriptions and helps distribute the paper to readers in your network.
BULK Subscription: “Full Bundle” (You will be mailed 50 copies of each issue, 3 times per year). This level supports about 23 prisoners' free subscriptions and helps distribute the paper to readers in your network.
BULK Subscription: “Building People Power” (You will be mailed 75 copies of each issue, 3 times per year). This level supports about 38 prisoners' free subscriptions and helps distribute the paper to readers in your network.
BULK Subscription: “Movement Building Package” (You will be mailed 100 copies of each issue, 3 times per year). This level supports about 100 prisoners' free subscriptions and helps distribute the paper to readers in your network.
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