Upstate Films has connected the Hudson Valley through transformative cinematic experiences since 1972. Please support us by becoming a member, purchasing a gift certificate or making a tax-deductible contribution. Below, you can choose your membership category, gift certificate amount, or the amount you'd like to donate, fill out the form and click "DONATE NOW." Your transaction will be processed by Network for Good. *UPSTATE GOODIES include t-shirts and diner mugs.
Buff - Admission $6 instead of $10
Dual Buff - For 2 adults at the same address, each admission $6 instead of $10
Senior 62+ - Admission $6 instead of $8
Dual Senior - For 2 Seniors at the same address, each admission $6 instead of $8
Student w/ valid ID - Admission $6 instead of $8
Cognoscente ($100 per person) - $6 instead of $10, 1 Upstate Goodie*, bring 1 guest at member price to member events
Director - $6 instead of $10 for two adults at the same address, 2 Upstate Goodies*, bring 2 guests at member price to member events (for a total of 4 people), phone reservations for 2
Executive Producer - $6 instead of $10 for two adults at the same address, 3 Upstate Goodies*, bring 2 guests at member price to any show (for a total of 4 people), phone reservations for 4
Studio Czar/Czarina - Free admission for 2 for the year to any show, 4 Upstate Goodies* plus a hand-crafted artist’s pin, bring 2 guests at member price to any show (for a total of four people), phone reservations for 4
Mogul - Free admission for 2 for the year to any show, free concessions for 2 for the year, 4 Upstate Goodies* plus a hand-crafted artist’s pin, bring 2 guests at member price to any show (for a total of four people), phone reservations for 4
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Dedicated: The recipient will receive a acknowledgement.
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