Imagine yourself as a New Mom or Mom-to-Be. You don't know how you are going to be able to take care of this New Little One. You are already having trouble taking care of yourself and your existing family so how in the world are you going to provide for another! A friend tells you: I received help from Emmanuel House International when I was pregnant and so can you! - So please help a Mom or Mom-to-Be take care of herself, her baby and her family TODAY!
Be an ANGEL - Provide 1 Week of Diapers -or- Formula -or- New Mom/Mom-to-Be Support Services
Be a GUARDIAN ANGEL - Provide 2 Weeks of Diapers -or- Formula -or- New Mom/Mom-to-Be Support Services
Be an ARCHANGEL - Provide 1 Month of Diapers -or- Formula -or- New Mom/Mom-to-Be Support Services
Be a SAPPHIRE ANGEL - Provide 1 Month of Diapers, Formula & New Mom/Mom-to-Be Support Services
Be an EMERALD ANGEL - Provide 2 Months of Diapers, Formula & New Mom/Mom-to-Be Support Services
Be a AMETHYST ANGEL - Provide 4 Months of Diapers, Formula & New Mom/Mom-to-Be Support Services
Be a DIAMOND ANGEL - Provide 2 Years of Diapers, Formula & New Mom/Mom-to-Be Support Services
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