What a blessing it was for me to find Cancer Support Community. The women in my support group became my sisters, my other family. I could share with them the deepest, darkest parts of my cancer experience, and they would understand. They gave me strength and love and hope. It's hard to put into words the value of that support. What kind of price can you put on saving a life? -- Chandra

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  • "Thank you for being a critical part of my healing. I don’t know how I would have managed without all your services." - Cancer Support Community member

  • "I firmly believe that the support I've received at Cancer Support Community has helped keep me alive." - Cancer Support Community member

  • “My support group has become like family. We learn so much from each other and know that we can truly lean on one another" - Cancer Support Community member

  • "This place fills my heart with joy, heals my body, and nourishes my soul. I am grateful for every minute that I can be at Cancer Support Community." - Cancer Support Community member

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